Give yourself permission.

Step into your power.

Create the life you crave.


Does this sound familiar?

You say “Yes” when inside you’re screaming “No!”

You want to help people and don’t want to let anyone down, but you’re stretched too thin. You sometimes have to cancel last minute because you’re out of gas. You feel like you’re never enough.

You clip your wings in order to fit the mold.

You spend your precious energy pushing to be someone you’re not because you’ve been getting the message your whole life that there’s something wrong with you. Messages like, “You’re too quiet” or “too emotional” or “too much.” You’re exhausted and don’t feel like people really see you.

You feel disconnected from your purpose.

You feel the calling inside, bubbling up. It’s seems always just out of reach. Most days you’re too exhausted and overwhelmed to do anything other than put one foot in front of the other. You know you’re meant for something more and you yearn for some space to grow and thrive.


Imagine something different.

What if you gave yourself permission to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and ask for help?

What if you fully accepted yourself for who you are and spoke your truth with confidence and power?

What if you stepped out of overwhelm, embraced your superpowers, and showed up fully in the world?


Hi, I’m Robbie Leigh and you don’t have to do it alone!

I specialize in helping high sensory and highly sensitive people own their strengths, build their courage, and step into their power.

Equal parts heart and mind; exceptional with both; Robbie is a gift.

I've found the time spent working one-on-one with her to be immeasurably valuable. I know that I'm heard, supported, and constructively challenged to take a multitude of thoughts and turn them into focused action. In session with Robbie, it didn't take long at all before I was rapidly scribbling notes of solutions to things I'd been struggling with for years. I only wish I'd had these conversations sooner!

James Arnold, Graphic Designer

Robbie is an effing insightful badass!

B.L.S., District Manager

Choose a Journey

  • One-on-One Coaching

    Shift from overwhelmed to empowered in this personalized coaching program.

  • Leadership Coaching

    Level up your leadership skills. Show up for yourself and your team with courage, compassion, and vulnerability.

  • Perfectionism to Peace

    Break free from the perfectionism trap and create more peace and ease in this small group program.

  • Fill Your Cup Membership

    Learn tools to grow your self compassion and prioritize yourself in a restorative, safe, online community.

  • Unleash Yourself Mastermind

    Get your idea out of your head and into the world through facilitated group support.