Perfectionism to Peace

A small group program for heart-centered, high sensory humans ready to break free from the perfectionism trap and create more peace and ease

Facilitated by Robbie Leigh, Recovering Perfectionist and Empowerment Coach for HSPs

Can you relate?

  • You walk around feeling secretly terrified that someone will find out just how messy your life is.

  • You’re exhausted by the constant chatter in your brain about what you did wrong.

  • You delay starting or delivering a project because you care so much about getting every aspect “right.”

  • No matter how hard you try, you don’t feel like you’re measuring up.

  • You feel guilty when you rest, even though you really need it.

  • You’re much nicer to others than you are to yourself.

  • You work hard to meet everyone’s expectations, but you’re starting to feel resentful.

You deserve love, compassion, and support.
And you don’t have to be perfect to get it.

What if you could fully express who you are (with all your imperfections) and feel loved, accepted, and valued?


  • Living from your own inner compass instead of the endless shoulds.

  • Freedom from the constant measuring up.

  • Less striving and more relaxing.

  • Knowing that you matter, and your needs are important.

  • Receiving help and support when you need it.

  • Giving yourself the loving, nurturing energy that you give to others.

  • Feeling good enough.

Perfectionism to Peace

A supportive learning circle + 1:1 coaching + powerful exercises to empower you to break free from perfectionism, lean into your perfectly imperfect AWESOMENESS, and shine. Limited to 8 people.

When: Every other Friday from 9am - 11am PT, November 4 - December 19

Hi, I’m Robbie Leigh, and I’m a recovering perfectionist and people-pleaser.

Robbie Leigh

I spent years trying my best to meet the needs of those around me and look like I had everything together.

I was terrified that if people saw my messy house, my overflowing inbox, or how overwhelmed I felt, they would think less of me. I walked around in deep shame marveling about how everyone else seemed to have it together but I kept falling short. I often asked myself, “What’s wrong with me?”

I tried so hard to keep up with expectations and often said, “Yes” to things so I wouldn’t let people down. I hid my struggle and pain from most of the world and just kept trying.

It came at a cost. If I didn’t feel up to projecting “Perfect Robbie”, I would cancel plans or push back meetings. I kept people at an arm’s length so they wouldn’t see the mess. I didn’t ask for help when I was inundated with to do’s, and I just kept drowning. I felt ashamed for all the ways I wasn’t measuring up. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and deeply lonely. I became anxious, depressed, and physically ill. I knew I had to change.

Since then, I’ve been on a healing journey involving several health practitioners, coaches, and teachers. I’ve deepened my self-compassion and grown my self-love. I’ve learned to trust my inner voice and say “Yes” to the things that light me up. I let people in. I’m not at all perfect and I no longer pretend to be.

I care deeply about others, try my best, fall short, and get scared. I admit when I’m struggling and reach out for help. I try again. I check in with myself before making decisions, notice when I need a break, and prioritize self-care. I rest. I say “No.” I tell myself “Good job!” even when it isn’t perfect. I’m building a community and a coaching business I absolutely love. I’m loving, capable, and wildly imperfect.

Come join me on this journey from Perfectionism to Peace.

Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgement, and shame. It’s a shield. It’s a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from flight.
— Dr. Brené Brown

“Robbie creates a loving place where I can tell the truth of who I am, and where I can be seen and heard.” - RP

“Robbie has a very compassionate, soft spirit, and she allows the space to feel very safe.” - NR

“Robbie is a very skilled facilitator. She created a safe space where we could be vulnerable, feel heard, feel acknowledged, and share truths. I would recommend any class Robbie is offering.” - BS

A messy house is not a moral failing. Neither is feeling overwhelmed or needing help.


  • It’s a supportive, small community where you can be seen and held in a safe container, engage in discussions and exercises, and have space to reflect and share what you’re learning.

    • Four sessions of interactive discussion, exercises, and practices

    • One individual coaching session with me scheduled before December 16th

    • Exercises and practices between sessions to deepen the learnings

  • All session will be held via Zoom from 9am - 11am PT on the following Fridays:

    November 4

    November 18

    December 2

    December 16

  • $336 before October 28

    $423 after October 28

    Scholarships available

Additional Questions

Please fill out the form below if you have additional questions or to inquire about the scholarship. I look forward to hearing from you.